Monday, June 3, 2013

Living and suffering for God (1 Peter 4)

Peter assumes that his readers are suffering or will suffer for God.  The extent thereof could be martyrdom.  This seems to be alluded to by discussing that Christ suffered "in the body" and that others who do the same will be "free from sin".  The phrase "free from sin" suggests death.

Peter gives advice for people in this situation.

Love each other deeply (v. 8)
The rationale is that love covers a multitude of sins.  I think Peter means that people are apt to forgive you if you show them genuine love and concern.

Offer hospitality without grumbling (v. 9)
Coming right after the necessity of loving each other deeply, Peter says we must do it "without grumbling".  What does this mean?  I think it must be genuine, not cause rifts between, and without expectation of something in return.

Serve each other with your gifts (v. 10)
The idea of gifts are expounded on in the letters written by Paul.  Here, Peter affirms the concept that Paul discusses at length.

The Gospel spoken to those who died (v. 5-6)
Here, we find a concept that is not expounded elsewhere and it comes out a little strange.  But, Peter says that the Gospel was spoken to those who died.

How did this happen?  When?  Who exactly?  Is there an assembly of ghosts that someone is preaching to?  I think we would all like more details on what Peter meant by this.

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