Friday, February 21, 2014

Noah's Ark in Dordrecht, Holland

I went to go see the full-scale replica of Noah's Ark that someone built in Dordrecht, Holland.

Here is a picture I took of it:

It is a creation museum with a lot of exhibits directed to children.

I was curious about it and definitely more interested in seeing what a full-scale replica of Noah's Ark looked like in person.  It had a lot of exhibits on the Book of Genesis and the Bible.  I understand it had a bias towards a literal interpretation of Genesis as history.  I do not share this perspective, but it is their museum and they can design as they want to.

Likewise, I respect the magnitude of work involved in making it.

As far as the museum itself, I felt disappointed.  There also was nothing on environmental protection in the whole thing.  I find that sad because the story of Noah's Ark lends itself to discussing the state of the planet and nature.  The movie Evan Almighty picked up on this theme, whereas this big Noah's Ark replica and museum did not.

Yet, the exhibit designers felt it more important to talk about how humans and dinosaurs coexisted.  In all honesty, I found that disturbing.

Environmental stewardship is part of the Genesis story as well.  Genesis 2:15 states, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."  Man's role in taking care of the planet should be taught to children.  If we are going to talk about Genesis, we cannot neglect this.  

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