I'm keeping in track of references to the spirit beings throughout the Bible. What do angels and demons do?
Genesis 3:15 - God puts enmity between the serpent's seed and the woman's seed.
Genesis 3:24 - cherubim with a flaming sword guard the way to the Tree of Life.
Genesis 16:7-12 - An angel meets Hagar by a fountain of water and tells her to go back to Sara. The angel also provides a prophecy about Ishmael, with whom she is pregnant.
Genesis 18 - Abraham converses with God, who is accompanied by two angels.
Genesis 19 - the same angels that accompanied God now act as scouts to the city of Sodom. Lot converses with them and protects them against the riotous crowd. The angels blind the crowd and later tell Lot to escape the city before it is destroyed.
Genesis 28:12 - Jacob has a dream in which he sees the angels of God going to and from Heaven on a ladder.
Genesis 32:1-2 - Jacob is met by angels after leaving Laban and before he meet with Esau. He names the place "Mahanaim", meaing "camp of God".
Genesis 32:22-30 - Jacob wrestles with an invisible being, who is identified to be God (v. 28; v. 30).
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