So, Jeremiah is prophesying about the oncoming invasion of Judah. Meanwhile, something interesting happens to King Josiah.
Josiah begins his reign at the age of 8. He walked with God and cleansed Judah of idols and Ashereth poles.
He ordered the repair of the temple in Jerusalem. During the restoration, the Book of the Covenant that contained all the law written by Moses was found. The book is then read aloud to King Josiah. King Josiah hears all the law of the covenant and his response is to tear his clothes. He knows the Law of Moses was neglected by his ancestors and this essentially freaks him out.
If we remember, Deuteronomy ended with blessings and curses if the Covenant is followed of ignored, respectively. We do not know which part of the Law of Moses prompted Josiah's response, but I think it was the curses at the end of Deuteronomy for neglecting the Covenant. As far as we can tell, Josiah was following the Law of Moses, but he is now aware that there will be an oncoming disaster because his ancestral kings did not.
He asks his servants to inquire of a local prophetess what God will do. The answer is in line with both the curses of Deuteronomy and what Jeremiah is prophesying - an oncoming destruction. However, because his response upon reading the law was humility before God, it will not happen in his lifetime.
2 Chronicles 34 then records that this prompted him to further purge the land of idols and get the people of Judah to renew the Covenant.
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