The first disciples of Jesus were initially followers of John the Baptist. John has denied that he is the Christ, but rather tells everyone he can that Jesus is the Christ. Here, the transition of followers takes place.
John has already baptized Jesus and sees him again. He then states, "behold the Lamb of God.". This prompts the two disciples of John with him to begin following Jesus. They end up spending the day with Jesus. One of the two disciples is Andrew who run off to find his brother, Simon. He tells Simon that he found the Messiah. Simon returns with Andrew and Jesus gives Simon the name Peter.
The next day, Jesus sees Philip and calls to him to follow him. Philip does. Philip also runs off to find Nathaniel and tells him that he found the one predicted in the law of Moses and the prophets. Nathaniel comes to Jesus and Jesus tells him that he saw Nathaniel under a fig tree. This alone convinces Nathaniel that Jesus is the King of the Jews.
There is no indication that Philip or Nathaniel were follow of John the Baptist. However, we can presume that they knew words was spreading that there was a Messiah. Likewise, the seeds of all this were planted 30 years prior when the three wise men publicly looked for a newborn Messiah and this upset Herod and all of Jerusalem. The people are primed for a Messiah. Nathaniel has a supernatural encounter with Jesus that fits this pattern and he is convinced.
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