Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2 Cor. 5

In this chapter, Paul describes that a heavenly dwelling is our home and we are away from aged while in our mortal bodies.  Later on, he describes that we are God's ambassadors on earth.  

Some people interpret passages like these too literally and use them to justify withdraw from community activities, including democratic voting.  That stuff annoys me.

Paul's entire rationale in this chapter comes from distinguishing this heavenly realm with the mortal bodies.  Rather, the passage suggests that our true citizenship may be in heaven, with the Holy Spirit a deposit on the future glory to come, it in no way takes away from the reality of having mortal bodies on earth.

Further, if we remember the statements from Christ about being a light to the world and the Great Commission, this would necessitate engaging the world, not withdrawing from it.  Taken together, we essentially have two citizenships - the earthly realm and the true citizenship in heaven.

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