Israel is camped across the Jordan river, but Moses recounts all the details of their previous journey through the desert. Most of this is a repeat of what we saw before, but we find out a few new details.
Joshua was selected to lead the people into the promised land in part because he was Moses' assistant and Moses sinned.
The land they pass through had races of giants at one time. Several races of giants are mentioned.
It is after all the fighting men of the prior generation die before they start having successful battles. Also, it is not stated, but something I picked up - the people stop talking about how Egypt was better. So, God's plan about them wandering around the desert for 40 years worked in the sense that those that reminisce of Egypt die out, leaving their children who were too young, or were born in the desert.
They had to pay for their food and water as they passed through the land of the Edomites (descendants of Esau) and the Moabites (descendants of Lot).
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