The Canaanites attack and take a few prisoners. The Israelites make a vow that if they win, they will completely destroy the Canaanite cities. This happens.
This shows a lot of maturity on their behalf, because it was against a similar Canaanite raid that pushed them back after they tried to go into Canaan after God told them they would have to wait 40 years.
Later on, they move on from Mount Hur (that's where Aaron died), the people complain, and even say the no-no complaint that gets them killed, "why did we leave Egypt?". God gets mad and sends hundreds of poisonous snakes, which start biting and killing people. The people admit their sin and beg Moses to take the snakes away. God directs Moses to build a bronze snake on a pole, whoever looks at it will be healed of their snake bite.
Later on, this bronze snake becomes an idol that they worship. But more interesting is why did God send poisonous snakes at all? I think God was letting them retaste what Egypt was like. Egypt is associated with cobras, plus the Egyptian sorcerers were able to turn their snakes into snakes when Moses went before Pharaoh.
Later on, the Israelites want to pass through the land of the Amorites. The king will not allow this and instead attacks them. The Israelites win. (victory #2). The Israelites even capture their towns and settle in them for a bit.
The israelites move toward Bashan, who's king freaks out and attacks them. They defeat this raid, even killing King Og. (victory #3)
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