Saturday, March 31, 2012

House of David v. House of Saul (2 Samuel 2)

This is a true civil war now. Before this, David eluded Saul’s army and never actually fought with him. The two sides will fight it out.

Important characters:

Abner – Saul’s former general who still is loyal to the House of Saul (or at least opportunistic enough to know which side serves him best)

Ish-Beshoth – Saul’s 40 year old son who inherits Saul’s throne

Joab – David’s general; based on Chronicles’ genealogy, he appears to be David’s cousin

Abishai and Asahel – both are (half?)brothers of Joab

Eventually, David asks God if it is time to go back to Israel. God tells David to go to Hebron. David, his family, his army, and their families settle in Hebron and the people of Judah anoint David as king of Judah.

Meanwhile, Abner has Ish-Beshoth crowned king of the rest of Israel. Uh oh – two kings in one land.

The first encounter happens at Gibeon. Abner and Saul loyalists sit on one side of a pool while Joab and David loyalists sit on the other side. Abner suggests the idea that a small group from each side should fight it out in a knife-fight. 12 people are selected from each side and they stab each other with daggers. The text is a little unclear, but it sounds like all the initial 24 people are killed or wounded. In the battle that follows, Joab’s men kill over 300 Benjamites while only a handful of Joab’s men die. However, Asahel chases Abner, but Abner kills him with a spear.

Eventually, the sides break off – Saul loyalists head across the Jordan while David’s men return to Hebron.

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