Joshua 6
God orders Joshua to march his men around Jericho once a day for 6 days. They are not to say a single word while the priests carry the Ark and blow trumpets. On the 7th day, they march around it 7 times, then shout, and the wall collapses.
The story is famous - but huh?! Why does God want this? I don't know why, but this whole process would build fear in the people of Jericho and other local cities.
It also straddles the sabbath on one point. If they march for 7 days, then one of those days would have been the sabbath. We are not told which one it is, but it is possible that it is actually the final day in which the walls collapse. Regardless, (1) they are told to do this work on the sabbath, and (2) warfare might be an appropriate exception for the sabbath, since after all, it is not "ordinary work".
Back to the story, the whole city is burned and destroyed. All the gold and silver goes to God's treasury. Rahab and here family is sparred from destruction. Everything else must be burned.
Joshua 7
One of the Israelites kept a few items from Jericho for himself, Achan. Uh oh. God is angry.
The Israelites head off to the next town to conquer, Ai. The spies report that it is lightly defended on only a small portion of the army is needed to defeat Ai. This is actually interesting as it shows that the Israelites have confidence in God. The walls of Jericho falling down made a strong impression on everyone.
The Israelites attack and are soundly beaten. Joshua falls on the ground and laments. Remember, he was promised never to lose any battles, plus here the people show confidence in God, but God does not deliver.
God explains that the defeat was because the Israelites have sinned and took items from Jericho. Now, the destruction of Jericho is aimed at the Israelites.
We're not told exactly how it happens, but the tribe, clan, and family of Achan is singled out as the culprit. He confesses what happens and the Israelites find the items of Jericho in his tent. All this for a robe, silver, and gold.
They then stone Achan and his entire family and destroy all his possessions. woah. Is this an over-reaction? What about the children not being punished for their parents sins? Well, this whole Canaanite war was a major exception to that rule and the stuff in Jericho was supposed to be destroyed (and Rahab's family was an exception to that rule). Taking items from Jericho seemed to have brought the punishment of Jericho to the man and his family.
Joshua 8
The return to Ai. There is no miraculous wall falling down, but rather an impressive military strategy. Also, they are allowed to keep the plunder of this city.
Joshua secretly puts 5,000 men hiding behind the town. The Israelites attack, pretend to be beaten, and fall back. The men of Ai chase them, at which point Joshua signals to the hidden men to take the city, which they do. Ai is completely destroyed and becomes a pile of ruins.
Interesting, the word Ai means "ruins".
The chapter ends with Israel assembling on the two mountains and reading the blessings and curses, as Moses had told them to do.
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