Job 38-39
God finally speaks. God speaks from a whirlwind this time, but we have already seen God speak from a burning bush (Moses) and the tabernacle (on several occasions). Another famous example is when God spoke in a gentle whisper to Elijah.
Why a whirlwind this time? I think because of the subject matter of what says. After calling Job ignorant, God questions Job about the creation of the natural world. Where you there when I laid the foundations of the earth? God explains who was there - angels and morning stars sang for joy. Afterwards, God asks Job a litany of questions about the world spanning geological and meteorological phenomenon (hail, clouds, lightning) and biological life (God feeds the ravens and young lions alike).
The whirlwind voice would also allow the other characters to hear it. We have been told that Job's wife, Elihu, and the 3 others left, so I find it plausible that they heard it too.
It also stands in sharp contrast to the demonic revelation presented in chapter 4. Here God speaks with awe-inspiring power and authority. The demonic one was creepy, involved some shadowy apparition, and gave Eliphaz chills at the time.
I think God's description of the earth spans both spiritual and physical dimensions, so I wouldn't read it too literally as descriptions of the natural world. For instance, I don't think there is an actual hail storage facility on a mountain somewhere. Focusing on this would lose sight of the overall point - God created a universe, the world, and underlying principles that allow life on earth. The litany of examples underscores the vastness of scope of creation. Job did nothing and in fact was a mere part of the same creation and his own existence depends from it.
Job 40:1-5
God ends the speech by asking Job if he has any answers to these. Job answers with the proper humility - I am nothing. I have nothing more to say and have already said too much.
Looking back at this dialogue, God is actually much gentler, nicer, and far more convincing than Job's friends were. Between Job, the first 3 friends, and Elihu, there were a lot of accusations between each other. You lack wisdom, no you, no you, no all of are blasphemers. Round and round they went.
Although God called Job ignorant at first, God is more polite, albeit satirical. God's speech spanning two chapters felt like God putting on a nature documentary. You're all arguing about me. This is what I created. It stands as a testament to who I am. Do you have any other questions?
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