17:1 - better a dry crust eaten in peace than a house filled with feasting and conflict. This resonates with me at this point in my life. I feel like my life is like eating drug crust as im recovering from surgery, am literally disabled since I can only use one arm, and am facing addiction to pain killers and months of expensive physical therapy. But yet, I am at peace. I'm not bitter. I'm not discouraged by this. I'm happy for the most part.
17.6 - grandchildren are the glory of the old while parents are the pride of their children. I think this is an interesting look at generational dynamics.
17:22 - cheerful heart is good medicine. That stands out for similar reasons as 17:1.
17:28 - fools are considered wise if they remain silent. Hey, if in doubt, keep your mouth shut. I think this is good advice generally. There are times when silence is the absolute wrong thing to do.
18:5 - it is wrong to acquit the guilty. Well, that does assume that the justice system is functioning properly. If not, then there will be abuse either way, which is what this proverb seems to be addressing. I can remember a number of times where there is a huge public outcry where juries acquit who the public believes to be guilty (OJ Simpson, the police that beat Rodney King, Casey Anthony).
18:15 - intelligent people are ready to learn; their ears are open to knowledge. I have come to respect George W Bush more so now that he's been out of office for a few years. But I do believe that the book of Proverbs would indite him as a terrible leader and poor example of a Christian leader because of his anti-intellectualism attitude. Same with Sarah Palin.
19:3 - people ruin their own lives by their foolishness and then are angry at the Lord. I've been guilty of this.
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