In contrast to something small and relatively insignificant, but incredible like a lost axe head, Elisha was instrumental in major military victories.
Israel and the Arameans were at war again. The healing of Naaman did not stop this. Elisha alerted the king of Israel of the Aramean plans so much that the king of Aram thought there was a traitor telling the Israelites what the Arameans were doing. His officers tell them about how Eisha is powerful, knows private conversations, and is advising the king. This was probably inspired by the healing of Naaman.
The king of Aram then sends soldiers to arrest Elisha. Elisha, now in Dothan, awakens to find Aramean raiders outside the city. His servant (unnamed, but probably no longer Gehazi) fears the Arameans, but Elisha prays for him to see what Elisha sees. Suddenly, the servant sees a host of flaming chariots protecting them. Elisha prays for the raiders to be struck blind and then he leads them to Samaria, where they are captured by the kings soldiers. Elisha protects them as prisoners of war.
Later, the full Aramean army lays siege to Samaria and there is a massive famine in the city. People resort to eating non-kosher items like donkey heads and dung to stay alive. They even resort to cannibalism. Cannibalism was predicted among the curses at the end of Deuteronomy if the Israelites had forsaken God. It was a key precursor to being wiped out. So, we know which way Israel is headed, but yet God has sent them Elisha. Yet, Elisha is not using the power to punish Israel, but to rescue them. This contrasts the 3-year drought during Elijah's ministry, which I would call punishment.
Elisha predicts that the famine will end in a day, but the king's officer is skeptical about God's power to do it. Elisha tells him he won't enjoy it. The next morning, the Aramean camp is empty because God caused them to hear another army approaching, perhaps the angelic army of fire from the previous chapter was in fact on the move.
The people run out to plunder the camp and the same skeptical officer is trampled to death.
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