Thursday, June 21, 2012

The reign of Ahaz (2 Chronicles 28)

2 Chronicles 28 fills in some more details of the reign of Ahaz. Verse 3 suggests that the sacrifice of his children in the fire occurred in the valley of Ben Himnon and not in the shrines of the high places.

Child sacrifice is frightening on many levels. But another detail to consider is that these children are the descendants of King David. Hence, they would also be the relatives of Jesus. Against this context, Isaiah's first message of King Ahaz takes on even more significance.

This chapter also suggests that these religious practices were the spiritual reason that God allowed/used the northern kingdom and the Arameans to attack the southern kingdom.

The Arameans took many people of Judah captive and took them back to Damascus. We know that the Assyrians will do the same to the entire city of Damascus, so we have our first of people in the southern kingdom being taken away. However, once in the Assyrian empire, the people become completely lost to history. So, we have a portion of Judah who is now "lost".

The army of the northern kingdom takes many captives from the southern kingdom as well. This time though, God intervenes with a prophet Oded who convinces them to release their captives or be cursed by God. It works and they release them. The dialogue shows some recognition on the part of the soldiers from the north that they should not make God even more angry than God already is.

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