Expounding the victory of Christ actually begins in Chapter 18 with the fall of Babylon.
The first part of Chapter 19 continues this theme with praise for the destruction of Babylon.
The Chapter then transitions to the man on the White Horse. Verses 11-16 identify this individual as Christ, who has now become a composite of two images we saw before. Earlier, we saw a White Horseman who was only described as a Conqueror, in contrast to three other Horsemen who caused death of people. (6:1-2). We also saw Christ ablaze with a sword in his mouth. (1:16). Here in 19:11,15, we have a composite of the two images as White Horseman has a sword coming from his mouth.
Using Revelations to interpret itself, this is why I think the earlier White Horseman from the first seal opening represents Christ.
What does this White Horseman do in Chapter 19? His sword kills everyone who is aligned with the beast and the false prophet. However, the beast and false prophet are captured and thrown into a fiery lake. The text does not precisely specify who does this action since it is in the passive tense. We can contextually infer that is the White Horseman that does this.
What does this White Horseman do in Chapter 19? His sword kills everyone who is aligned with the beast and the false prophet. However, the beast and false prophet are captured and thrown into a fiery lake. The text does not precisely specify who does this action since it is in the passive tense. We can contextually infer that is the White Horseman that does this.
Finally, birds gorge on the flesh of everyone who has died.
Yikes. I am not entirely sure what to make of the bird imagery.
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