Friday, January 11, 2013

Seven angels with seven plagues (Revelations 15-16)

One of the 4 angel creatures by God's throne gives to 7 angels God's wrath in 7 bowls of plagues.

These angels pour it out on the earth.  The effect of these things targets the same areas that were affected by the trumpets.

Plague 1 targets the land, just like the first trumpet. (contrast 8:7 and 16:2)

Plague 2 targets the sea, just like the second trumpet did. (contrast 8:8-9 and 16:3)

Plague 3 targets the rivers, just like the third trumpet did.  (contrast 8:10-11 and 16:4)

Plague 4 targets the sun, which was affected by fourth trumpet.  (contrast 8:12 and 16:5-6)

Plague 5 throws the beast into darkness.  This is a little different from trumpet 5, which effectively opened the Abyss and all the demons came out of it.  But maybe, the beast is being thrown back into the Abyss.  (Contrast 9:1-11 and 16:10-11)

Plague 6 targets the river Euphrates.  Trumpet 6 effectively released spirits bound at the river Euphrates.  (contrast 9:13-11 and 16:12-14)

Plague 7 is the final one and is preceded by "I come like a thief" and the effect results in a voice from heaven saying "it is done".  Trumpet 7 heralded the return of Christ.  (contrast 11:15-19 and 16:17-21)

My overall sense is these "plagues" are not directed to men so much, but the fallen angels.  These wraths by God seem to target the things that were affected by demons.  Men are dragged into the conflict and some men will not like what God is doing. 

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