Friday, May 11, 2012

Proverbs 20-22

20:3 - avoiding a fight is honorable. It reminds me of the first lesson of mature martial artists - avoid the fight! It also reminds me of another axiom, to secure peace, you must prepare for war.

20:10 - false weights ands unequal measures are detestable to God. It reminds me of the importance of honesty in my time clock at work.

20:12 - eyes to see and ears to hear are gifts from God. I see several levels here. First, literal anatomical. I love my sight and hearing and would hate to lose them. Who doesn't. second, more figuratively it sounds like understanding and perception is a gift from God. Let us pray for it. Third, Jesus referred to this phrase in conjunction with his parables, so it has a specific application with that.

20:30 - physical punishment cleanses evil. Ouch! I wonder if Solomon grounded his kids or just spanked them until they were adults. 22:15 associates physical punishment with the youth.

21:2 - people are right in their own eyes, but God examines the heart. Even mafia members believe they are "good people". I guess it's easy to convince yourself you're not doing wrong, when you are.

21:3 - God is more pleased with doing right than with sacrifices. Samuel said this to Saul when he spared the king of the Edomites.

21:9/21:19 - living alone in an uncomfortable place is better than living in luxury with a quarrelsome wife. Oh yeah. I'm glad I didnt marry some of my ex-girl friends.

21:14 - a secret gift calms anger. Good advice if someone is mad at you.

21:28 - a false witness will be cut off, but a credible witness will be allowed to speak. I have seen this in a courtroom, where he judge stops believing someone. He probably will let him continue talking, but just not listen to the bad witness.

22:24 - don't befriend angry people of you will be like them. Your friends can have positive or negative effect on you and Solomon advises us go avoid bad friends.

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