Saturday, November 3, 2012

Jesus is beaten before the high priest (Matthew 26:57-75; Mark 14:53-72; Luke 22:54-61; John 18:12-27)

It is still late at night and the crowd takes Jesus to Annas, the father-in-law of the high priest.  Then they take him to the high priest, Caiaphas.  Caiaphas wants Jesus dead.

People falsely testify about things Jesus said and did, but no two testimonies agree.  Under Jewish law, they need the testimony of two witnesses.  It is a little strange that they cannot even agree on their false charges.

Finally, two people somewhat agree that Jesus said that he could destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days.  Jesus did say something very similar to this, but it was in reference to his own body.  Coming of the testimony of people wanting to kill him, I wonder if they had in their mind the text of the non-canonical Wisdom of Solomon, in which Solomon used demons to build the temple.

The high priest then just plainly asks Jesus if he is the Messiah.  Jesus says yes and that they will see the Son of Man next to the throne of God.  The high priest considers this to be enough testimony and people around Jesus start beating him with their fists.

Meanwhile, Simon Peter and an unnamed disciple are nearby.  The unnamed disciple actually makes it into the interrogation area while Peter must wait outside.  There, he is question by a servant girl and a man who saw him at the Mount of Olive if he knows Jesus and three times, he denies it.

A rooster crows and Simon Peter and Jesus make eye contact.  Simon Peter is humiliated and goes away to cry.

Things are only going to get worse for Jesus.  

As for the unnamed disciple by Jesus, the only thing we know about him is that he was familiar with the high priest.

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