Sunday, November 18, 2012

On divisions (1 Cor. 3)

In chapter 3, Paul continues discussing divisions within the church.  He introduces the idea that people might have different roles in the church, but the roles serve one purpose in Christ.  He uses the analogy that he planted the seed (started the church) while Apollos watered it (led them  after Paul moved on).  But it is God that makes it grow.

He also introduces the idea that the temple of God has taken a new, quasi-metaphorical meaning.  He says that "you" are the temple.  In context of chapter 3. it sounds like "you" could refer to the church itself, but he also links the temple to where the spirit lives.  Later on, he refers to the temple as being the human body itself.

Again, there is nothing to indicate that Apollos was doing anything wrong or needed to be replaced.

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