Thursday, November 1, 2012

The parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)

Jesus was talking to the Twelve about how no one will no know the day he arrives beforehand.

He uses this parable to illustrate it.

The Kingdom of Heaven is like ten virgins awaiting their bridegrooms.  Five of them have lamps with extra oil while five have lamps, but not enough oil.

They all fall asleep and are awakened at the time of the arrival of the bridegroom.  The five without oil ask for oil from those who have it, but they decline it.  Those without oil go to find oil.

The bridegroom arrives while they are still away and those with oil go in with the bridegroom.  When those who left to get oil return, it is too late.

This is another parable in which a wedding is used to illustrate the Kingdom of God.  

The context of the parable is used to discuss the return of Jesus, but I think a more immediate application for the rest of us is to prepare one's soul for death.  Death can arrive just as unexpectedly as Jesus.  Many generations lived and died without the return of Jesus, but they had to prepare their own soul's for death.  

Regardless if Jesus returns in our generation or not, at the very least, we must be ready for at the very least, we might die unexpectedly.

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