Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The law is upheld (Romans 3)

Paul begins chapter 3 that the Mosaic law revealed to us our own inadequacies.  By the end of the chapter, he discusses that Jesus is the atonement within the law.  Thus, the law is not nullified, but rather the law is upheld.

This seems to answer the outstanding questions from the Sermon on the Mount.  In particular, Jesus said he had come not to abolish the law, but rather to fulfill it.

What does it mean to "fulfill" the law?  Here, in Romans 3, we find Jesus was the sacrificial atonement, which was within the guidelines of Mosaic code itself.  Thus, the law had to be upheld and made valid for the sacrifice of Jesus to have any meaning.  

So, are starting to see the Bible come full circle.  Plowing through Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy outline the full context of the Mosaic Code.  We saw why the sacrifice of Jesus was necessary and here in Romans, Paul links it all together.

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