Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Leviticus 19

Leviticus 19 covers a wide variety of laws.

I have given up trying to find a pattern among the civil or criminal code. This society lived 3,000 years ago with rampant slavery and in a pre-Christ world. Likewise, I think the only explanation for some of these is to create a society that is culturally distinguished from the others.

Respect your parents, observe the Sabbath, and no idols. These are probably the highlights of the 10 commandments, highlights in the sense they are repeated the most.

Sacrifices can be eaten for a day or two, afterwards, it must be thrown into the fire. In a desert wilderness without refrigeration, this is probably a good idea.

During the harvest, do not reap to the edges or go through a second time, but leave them for the poor. This really is interesting and has modern analogies to our own system of Social Security. It is not a communistic system, as the property owner owns the majority of the harvest. Rather, it is more analogous to a socialistic institution of a bit of tax going directly to the poor. However, the poor have to put in the effort to find the leftovers.

Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind. I take this to mean, do not poke fun or torment those with disabilities, even if they are not aware of it (cursing the deaf). Putting a stumbling block in from the blind would be just plain cruel.

Sleeping with a slave is the fiancé of another is bad and requires a sin offering.

When finally see some forbidden plants. The last time was the garden of Eden. When they take Canaan, they must leave the fruit alone for 3 years, the 4th year harvest is an offering to God, but the 5th year and afterwards they can eat. I guess that the sin of the people of Canaan has an effect on the land, including the plants.

Do not cut the sides of your hair or beard. By the way, no tattoos.

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