Monday, February 20, 2012

Numbers 12

Miriam and Aaron start criticizing Moses' wife, but this turns in to them complaining that God "only" speaks through Moses. Aaron seems to have forgotten that he is lucky to be alive after the golden calf incident.

Since this comes after the 70 elders prophesying, I wonder if this means that Aaron was not selected in that group. He is head priest after all, but why is he jealous?

As for Miriam, we don't know much about her still. She is reported to be a prophetess back in Exodus, but apparently she wants more.

In the text, it is stated that Moses is the most humblest man on earth, which we can assume is the answer to why God uses Moses and not Miriam or Aaron.

God brings the 3 of them together and ends up striking Miriam with leprosy. She recovers, but has to spend a week outside of camp. After this, the camp moves on.

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