Sunday, March 18, 2012

Judges 17-18

These chapters tell another bizarre story. The Bible gives us clues that these are bizarre stories by repeating "that there was no king in Israel" and that "everyone did what they thought was right in their own eyes."

A named Micah stole 1,100 silver coins from his mother and she puts a curse on whoever stole it. He confesses it (probably because he did not want the curse) and returns the money. His mom then says she will dedicate the money to God. So, she uses 200 of the coins to make a silver idol. A Levite passing through later agrees to be their "priest".

No way. Is this really happening. It gets crazier.

In chapter 18, scouts from the tribe of Dan come across this home that doubles as an idolatrous temple. When warriors of Dan come, they confiscate the idol and its priest before attacking a neighboring city. They win the battle and the silver idol is worshipped in Dan as long as the ark remained in Shiloh.

I think this story is not chronologically after Samson, but rather it happened relatively soon after Joshua's death because the tribe of Dan is still trying to settle.

Other than that, I don't have much to say about this story other than it is completely messed up. Like I said, the Bible warns us it is weird by saying that "there was no king of Israel at the time". The story does fit the pattern of the book of Judges though as we see some really crazy anecdotes.

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