Thursday, October 25, 2012

A blind man is healed (John 9)

Jesus and his disciples encounter a blind man.

The disciples ask Jesus - who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?

Implicit in the question is the belief that blindness is the result of a person sinning.  In other words, physical ailments are a spiritual punishment for something the person did.

Jesus says no one sinned.  Rather, he was born blind that the work of God might be displayed in his life.   At this point, it is hard to fathom what Jesus is talking about, but at the very least, the explanation means that some physical ailments are not the fault of our or our parents sins.

Jesus spits in dirt and puts the mud on the man's eyes.  Jesus instructs the man to wash himself in the pool of Siloam.  The man does and after washing the mud, he can see.

The Pharisees see this and question him what happened.  He testifies about Jesus and the Pharisees are shocked because Jesus "does not keep the Sabbath". 

Note, there is no indication that this healing happened on the Sabbath.  Jesus had done a few healings on the Sabbath and had encountered resistance from the Pharisees.  Here, the issue the Pharisees focus on is not "can anyone heal on the Sabbath?", but rather, "can a sinner who does not keep the Sabbath heal?".  Both questions point to the same ultimate issue, which is whether Jesus was from God or not.

The Pharisees are divided.  Some take Jesus' side and others do not.  Like Jesus said, he came to bring division.  Jesus mentioned the family dynamic, but here is a political-social division based on loyalty to Christ.  Later, we find the anti-Jesus Pharisee group is stronger than the pro-Jesus Pharisee group because they threw people out of the synagogue.  This probably means that the anti-Jesus group substantially outnumbered the pro-Jesus group.

Meanwhile, the healed man believes that Jesus is a prophet.

The Pharisees investigate the healing and ask the man's parents if he actually was born blind.  The parents are afraid the Pharisees will kick them out of the synagogue if they say the wrong thing, so the parents say for them to ask their son. 

They repeat the question of the blind man and this time, they put words in his mouth:  "we know this man [Jesus] is a sinner".

 The man responds that he does not know if the man is a sinner or not, but all he knows is that he was once blind, but now he sees.  The then repeats his testimony at how he was healed.  He ends up having a dispute with the Pharisees, and the Pharisees get mad and throw him out.

The healed blind man later encounters Jesus and professes faith.

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