Saturday, October 27, 2012

Faith to move mountains (Luke 17:1-10)

Jesus repeats the teaching on millstones and forgiving your brother many times.  To this, the core disciples (NIV, apostles) said "increase our faith!"

Jesus' response is about a mustard seed.  If they had faith as small as a mustard seed, they could tell a mountain to move.  Jesus then discusses an analogy about the duties of household servant and that his followers have duties.

This mustard seed story is frequently cited about faith to move mountains.  However, it should be remembered that this was a response to the disciples discussing how hard it is to forgive a person multiple times.  Likewise, it is followed by a discussion of duties.  

Putting it together, I think the mustard seed is primarily about a duty to forgive.  Jesus emphasizes the importance of forgiveness - we have a duty to do it.  If we cannot do it, we have a duty to ask God to help.  There might feel like there is a mountain blocking our heart from forgiving.  But faith as small as a mustard seed is enough to move the mountain - that blocks our heart from forgiving.

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