Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Jesus heals the blind and mute (Matthew 9:27-34)

After the dead girl and the woman with the bleeding issue, Jesus is approached by two blind men.  He heals them by touching their eyes.  He then tells them not tell others about it.  

Jesus then heals another man who mute by casting out the demon the prevented him from speaking.  Jesus apparently did this in front of a crowd and they are amazed, saying - nothing has been seen like this in Israel.  However, the Pharisees remain unconvinced and attribute his power to the devil.

It is interesting that Jesus is still trying to keep a lower profile and tells the healed blind people not to discuss their healing.  Yet, Jesus still does public miracles and amazes the crowd.  Likewise, Jesus directed the man healed of "Legion" to be an evangelist, which he effectively was.  Further, both categories of healing - blind and mute - were mentioned in the verse of Isaiah which Jesus referred to when John the Baptist's disciplines questioned him about being the Messiah.  

The text does not quite clarify what is going on.  I suppose it might come down to the specific role of the individual role was to play in the kingdom, some are more effective evangelists than others.  For the blind men, Jesus may have suspected they might be accused of having faked a healing or attributed the healing to the devil.

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