After the rich man and the eye of the needle, Peter states that they have left everything to follow Jesus. They did what the rich man could not do, although they were not hindered by the wealth and possessions that the rich man was.
Jesus explains that they will be rewarded for their efforts, including inheriting eternal life.
Jesus then discusses a parable in which a vineyard owner pays workers the same amount of money regardless of how long they worked in the field. At the end of the parable, Jesus states that it was the vineyard's prerogative of what to allocate to each. After the parable, Jesus states that many who are first will be last and the last will be first.
I think the parable means that there a different things that everyone gives up as they become part of Christ. This may be differing amounts of money or various relationships (family conflict). The cost is different for each person, but the reward is the same, grace and fellowship with God.
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