Jesus has his disciples pray for God to send out harvesters, because the harvest is big and the workers are few.
This seems to work because Jesus then sends the twelve out as "harvesters". Jesus gives them authority to do the very same thing that Jesus is doing - heal the sick and cast out demons. However, they are not to take money or extra supplies. This makes them completely dependent on Jesus, raises their faith, and probably it is this enhanced faith that enables them to heal the sick and cast out demons. At this point, they are not to go to the Gentiles, but the lost sheep of Israel.
All three synoptic Gospels have this account, but Matthew 10 contains an extra speech by Jesus. Later, they will go to the Gentiles. They will also be persecuted and flogged on account of Jesus. Jesus also makes a prediction that his message will cause divisions, even among families. But everyone is to pick up their own cross and follow Jesus.
This also seems to be the first reference to a "cross", and hence, is the first prediction of the manner in which Jesus will die.
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