A man runs up to Jesus and falls at his knees. He asks Jesus, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?". Jesus says that the man knows the commandments - do not lie, steal, murder and honor hour parents. The man responds that he has done all these. Jesus then explains that he lacks one thing - he should give everything he has to the door.
The man went away sad because he had great wealth.
Jesus then explains that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.
At this, the disciples ask who can be saved? To which Jesus responds that with God, all things are possible.
I do think that think that this story stands that Jesus hates wealth. As we know, on other occasions God blesses people with wealth. Rather, this story highlights the need for God to help us unravel get rid of the things that prevent us from seeing his glory in our lives.
The man had great wealth, which he could not part with. In fact, we see that the wealth was a deal-breaker from following Jesus. Between Jesus and his wealth, he choose his wealth. This envious heart is probably why Jesus' prescription for this man to inherit eternal life was to get rid of his wealth.
After the eye of the needle phrase, Jesus says that with God, all things are possible. This includes putting a camel through the eye of a needle or getting a rich man into the Kingdom of Heaven. This is an invitation for us to ask God to help us do what it takes.
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